Our review article analysed the dental market, with data from dental associations, dental companies, insurances, and scientific literature. Fact is: infection caused by dental implants will become the major challenge in dentistry in the coming years! Periimplantitis will surpass periodontitis and root canal infections in terms of treatment need.
Our latest publication was peer-reviewed and published in a journal for dentistry. In this review article we analysed the dental market, focusing on the three most challenging dental diseases, including infections caused by dental implants: Periimplantitis. The computed values show that the treatment need for peri-implantitis follows an exponential growth!
Source: “Periimplantitis, periodontitis, endodontics: Dental market analysis and future trends”, published in Journal of Oral Health and Oral Epidemiology. https://johoe.kmu.ac.ir/article_92194.html